How to Update Mutual Fund Nominations Online
There are 4 routes that investors can use to update mutual fund nomination online: Using MFCENTRAL ( The steps to be followed for nomination updates on this portal are: Sign up with PAN and mobile number or email ID Sign in with PAN and OTP Go to ‘service requests’ section Select ‘update nominee details’ Once you see ‘folio-wise’ nominee details, you can update the same The portal allows updates only for folios that are singly-held and one cannot make changes for jointly-held folios You can also select ‘I do not wish to nominate’ if you wish to opt-out of nomination Using CAMS ( The steps to be followed for nomination updates on this portal are: Select nomination Opt-in or Opt-out Enter your PAN to get OTP on registered email id or phone number Select all fund houses across CAMS and mode of Mutual fund holding Select register or update nominee Opt-in or Opt-out Add relevant det...